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mauby mix

mauby mix

Regular price $10.00 USD
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Mauby (richeria grandis) from the island of Grenada

The bark small tree, Mauby (Colubrina elliptica) is native to north Caribbean and south Florida. 

Ingredients: mauby, cinnamon, & star anise

Mauby recipet by We Trini Food

8 g mauby bark
cinnamon bark piece(s)
2 star anise
additional option spices:
10 cloves
2 tsp aniseed
1 bay leaf
7 cups water
100 g sugar

Place 3 cups to boil on medium heat.
Add mauby bark, cinnamon, star anise and any optional spices  
Boil for 20 minutes.
Turn off heat and set aside for 3 hours to overnight.
Add sugar and remaining water to sweeten and dilute.
Taste test and adjust by adding more sugar or water.
Refrigerate and serve cold.

1.7 oz | 48g

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true cinnamon

The spice grown in Grenada is Ceylon Cinnamon, referred to as “True Cinnamon”, it's sweeter, milder and is harvested from the inner bark of the trees and is often used in baked goods, desserts, drinks, and savory dishes. 

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